Sunday 28 January 2018

how to make a game in 25 mins l how to make game l Ak hack4U

how to make a game in 25 mins l how to make game l Ak hack4U

AoA and welcome to Ali kamran page or Ajj k is Video me mein apko btany ja rha hun k ksy ap 25 mins k doran Game bna skty hai .
Simply game bna skty ho 25 mins k doran bus is video ko dekhny se.

Code :
@echo off
color 2
echo Hey Buddy! Welcome to the Ak Hack4U Game!
echo 1)Start
echo 2)How to play
echo 3)Exit
echo 4)Help
set /p number=
if %number% == 1 goto startgame
if %number% == 2 goto how to use
if %number% == 3 goto exit
if %number% == 4 goto Help
echo type your name here:
set /p name=
echo Hello %name%
echo Do you want to start the game? (y/n)
set /p start=
if %start% == y goto level1
if %start% == n goto menu
goto startgame
:how to use
echo press the number of the answer then hit enter.
echo go back? (y/n)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == y goto menu
if %menugoto% == n goto exit
goto how to use
echo Hello and Welcome To Our First Software
echo The Software is Created By Ali Kamran
echo About the Software:
echo This Software has been Created for the Education Of Class Pre 9th
echo Software Version is 0.0.1
echo go back? (y/n)
set /p menugoto=
if %menugoto% == y goto menu
if %menugoto% == n goto exit
goto how to use
echo You really want to quit the Game? (y/n)
set /p Exit=
if %Exit% == y Exit
if %Exit% == n goto menu
echo ok, Let us go for the puzzle!
echo If marry's daughter is my daughter's mother, what am I to Marry?
echo 1 Grandmother
echo 2 Mother
echo 3 Daughter
echo 4 Granddaughter
echo 5 I am Marry
set /p answer1=
if %answer1% == 1 goto wrong1
if %answer1% == 2 goto wrong1
if %answer1% == 3 goto correct1
if %answer1% == 4 goto wrong1
if %answer1% == 5 goto wrong1
goto level1
echo good job! you are right! Next Level?(y/n)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level2
if %NL1% == n goto menu
goto correct1
echo so sad! you are wrong buddy.Retry? (y/n)
set /p WA1=
if %WA1% == y goto level1
if %WA1% == n goto menu
goto wrong1
echo If you take 3 apples from a group of 5, how many do you have?
echo 1 2Apples
echo 2 5Apples
echo 3 4Apples
echo 4 3Apples
set /p aa=
if %aa% == 1 goto wrong2
if %aa% == 2 goto wrong2
if %aa% == 3 goto wrong2
if %aa% == 4 goto correct2
goto level2
echo good job! you are right! Next Level?(y/n)
set /p NL1=
if %NL1% == y goto level3
if %NL1% == n goto menu
goto correct2
echo SORRY! You Lost!retry gmae? (y/n)
set /p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level3
if %retry% == n goto exit
echo Who is the CEO Of Facebook?
echo 1 Mark Zukerberg
echo 2 Donald trump
echo 3 Ali kamran
echo 4 herry potter
set /p aa=
if %aa% == 1 goto correct3
if %aa% == 2 goto wrong3
if %aa% == 3 goto wrong3
if %aa% == 4 goto wrong3
goto level3
echo Congratz! YOU WIN THE Game!
goto correct3
echo SORRY! You Lost!retry gmae? (y/n)
set /p retry=
if %retry% == y goto level3
if %retry% == n goto exit

make a game, create apps without programming, make video game, make games without coding, build games, game creation, game buidler, How to make a game in 60 secs, How to make a game in 25 mins, make game in .bat file, make a software, How to make a Hacking software